Responsive Layout Grid

A responsive layout grid is used for HARTMANN websites to ensure that the design is displayed consistently on all devices.

Columns, gutters and margins

The responsive layout grid is made up of three elements: columns, gutters and margins.
Illustration of the responsive layout grid with highlighted columns, margins and gutters.
Example of how the columns are designed in the layout of the HARTMANN website.
Content is placed in the areas of the screen that contain columns. In responsive layouts, column width is defined with percentages, rather than fixed values. This allows content to adapt to any screen size. The number of columns displayed in the grid is determined by the breakpoint range, a range of predetermined screen sizes.
Example of how the gutters are designed in the layout of the HARTMANN website.
A gutter is the space between columns that helps separate content. Gutter widths are fixed values at each breakpoint range.
To better adapt to a given screen size, gutter widths can change at different breakpoints.
Example of how the margins are designed in the layout of the HARTMANN website.
Margins are the space between the content and the left and right edges of the screen. Border widths are defined by fixed or scaling values at each breakpoint area. Wider margins are better for larger screens because they create more white space around the edge of the content.


The 12 column desktop grid is applied at a resolution of 992-1090 px. At large breakpoints (≥ 1091 px) the body region can maintain a maximum width of 1011 px while margins again scale horizontally.
Illustration of how the responsive layout grid appears on for a desktop design.

Tablet (Mobile)

The 12 column tablet grid is applied at a resolution of 640-991 px.
Illustration of how the responsive layout grid appears for a tablet design.

Smartphone (Mobile)

The 4 column smartphone grid is applied at a resolution up to 639 px.
Illustration of how the responsive layout grid appears for a smartphone design.

Breakpoint system

The responsive layout grid is primarily used to organize content and components in the body area of a layout.

When scaling a layout for different screen sizes or orientations, the responsive grid adjusts the margin and body widths and the number of columns in the layout.

Screen sizeMarginGutterBodyLayout columns
Smartphone (Mobile)
0-639 px 24 px20 pxScaling4
Tablet (Mobile)
640-991 px40 px20 pxScaling12
992-1090 px40 px21 pxScaling12
≥ 1091 pxScaling21 px1011 px12

See also

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